Ronald Kisa

This is Ronald kisa he is 5yrs old is in Nursery school (middle class).He was born on 15/Jan/2016, his farther was mukasa Ema and mother was Rose kagoya.His parents were both HIV positive and they went to be with God. Ronald first lost his mother when he was just 1yr in 2017 and then his father followed in 2018.

Ronald was left with his jobless grandma who also succumbed to high blood pressure coupled with depression in 2019 and unfortunately Ronald remained with no family. A good Samaritan from the neighborhood decided to take him in their home where his rights were abused several times due to the fact that he landed into hands of drunkards.The guardians used to carry him to the bar so they could drink alcohol week in and week out.On most occasion, they could lock him inside the house at night and went to enjoy alcohol!

The local council of the village took responsibility and phoned the police one time when Ronald was tortured by his guardians under the influence of alcohol and he was admitted to the nearby clinic. The police found out that Ronald had no family members to take care of him and decided to call us asking if we could give him a safe shelter and continue talking care of him. Since it is our aim to house and take care of the needy orphans we accepted to take him to our orphanage following with documents that granted us full responsibility by police in order to have him legally!

Ronald was given a warm welcome by our children at the orphanage and we thank God he loved everyone and was happy to find a new safe home where he feels loved.As a responsible organization,due to the fact that Ronald's parents died due to HIV/AIDS the first step we took was to find out whether Ronald also contracted the virus or not. Unfortunately after a thorough blood check up, the result showed that he is HIV positive.

He was Immediately put on ARVS until now we thank God that his body positively reacted to it and he is doing well. Our team is doing a tremendous job to give him sufficient and special medical care.We are also trying to locate his other relatives and clan members if any. We request everyone here to also join us in effort to help and support these orphaned children in such a situation like Ronald's and needy children in our community under our care and support.

We have a dream to build a primary school and finishing up our parmanent children's shelter which is under construction.


Nakato and Babirye