Nakato and Babirye


This is Nakato and Babirye. They are 3 year old twins. They lost their father last year and since then, they have lived a melancholy life with their mother. I met them yesterday. Their life story touched my life and I promised to help them in any way possible.

Before the father, named Isabirye Waiswa, succumbed to HIV/AIDS, he was renting a single room in Namutumba town council and life seemed to be ok as they could afford food and other basic needs from his bicycle riding job( Bodaboda).

Naigaga Harriett, the mother of these beautiful twins says her husband was bedridden in in a coma for 1 full year until he breathed his last breath. “ it was even a big struggle to pay for an ambulance to transport his body because the family of my husband neglected us and never did they choke on us in the hospital.” Naigaga added.

She says, the clan of her husband changed them away immediately after the burial because they thought that Naigaga and her twins could be a threat to their land, as they expected her to claim inheritance. She adds that it was a tug-of-war until she decided to come back to Namutumba in order to save the lives of her twins.

Before Isabirye died, he was owing the landlord 5 months back rent. They never spent even a week in the house before the landlord sent them out, confiscating all their belongings that he claimed he would sell and get money to cover some of the unpaid months.

Naigaga said that life totally changed as she and her beautiful children started living on the streets and sleeping in trenches for 2 months. She tried begging from different people in order to get food for her twins. After 1 month of doing so, she was lured by an unknown man who gave 2000 Uganda shillings( equal to .57 cents US) in reward for sexual favors. The situation did not change until a Good Samaritan was bypassing at night and saw Naigaga and her children entering a trench while it was raining. At first he thought that Naigaga as kidnapping the children. WHen he approached the mother to see these beautiful children, she told him her story and he decided to find them a place to sleep that night. He cam back in the morning to see them and took them to his far where he offered them a chicken house where they are currently and temporarily living( with the chickens).

Unfortunately, Naigaga went for a blood checkup and found out that she is HIV/AIDS positive. She says that when her husband found out that he was positive, she and her husband agreed on having protected sex because she tested negative, and she continued to test negative until after he passed. She believes the man who solicited her might have infected her.

Their Urgent needs are: Food, 2 mattresses, and blankets.

Their most pressing need is to buy land and build a house or be supported to rent a house as the owner of the chicken coop is selling it, as he has run into financial trouble ( bankruptcy) due to the pandemic. Anyone with a big heart who feels touched by this story, please do not hesitate to donate towards bettering their lives.


Tonny Maka


Ronald Kisa